Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hey, hey hey! Says Baby Coral

Ah I've been writing 5 different posts in my head the past couple of weeks, so I figure. Let's just start with one Tess. 

The past two and half weeks have easily been the best and most challenging weeks. It's crazy to feel such polar opposite emotions during the whole process of having a baby, and even harder to write about. Simply put, "nothing can prepare you for the love and fear you feel" for a little one. 

We are all doing great over here. Our birth story is a little crazy, but I am so in love with how Coral came into this world. I am also dying to share it here in this space. Hopefully in the next few days. 

Our hospital stay was great, but definitely included a few speed bumps. We found out our baby girl broke her clavicle coming out of the birth canal, and I cried a lot over her little arm hurting her. It made every needle prick and vital check that much worse. 

But we survived, and coming home was fabulous, and then our breastfeeding journey began. More on that some other day, but let me just say, it ain't for the faint of heart :) 

We've also been to the pediatrician twice, mama has been out of the house solo a few times, but Baby Coral has only made it through a drive-thru thus far! 

Well I will wrap it up here. And because everyone tells me I don't post enough pics, here's my little bear:

Coral Cristine Cook - Born 9/2/2014 at 10:22 am - 9 lbs. 0 oz. 21.5 inches 

Over and out! -Tessy 


shay said...

She is adorable! Can't wait to hear the birth story!

Darby Hawley said...

LOVE Coral pictures...thank you for my picture-fix this morning. Can't wait for her birth story!

Shayna @ The Fancy Yancey said...

She is absolutely beautiful Tess!! Congratulations!!! Can't wait to hear more!!

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