Friday, January 27, 2012

Need some camping tips!

I really can't help but sing the Friday song, every. single. Friday.
Thank you Rebecca Black.

OK so crisis averted, I think we have a game plan. 
I'm teaming up with Mrs. Peters again to help me design my Save the Date, 
she also helped me ask my sister to be my matron of honor, and you can read about it here.

I have some other big vendor decisons to make, and I really think I just need to pull the trigger and stop worrying about it. I realize I talk on and on about the wedding,
BUT I really should be focusing on Matthew and I.

Which is what we are going to do this weekend!

We are camping out for a marriage prep retreat, and this girl CAN NOT camp!! Wish me luck guys!



Marci @ a smile a day said...

I LOVE CAMPING!!! What can I help you with?? At least it's not hot :)

Lindsey Nicole said...

So glad I can help!! They are going to be beautiful!

P.S. - sleeping in a cabin on a bed is NOT camping! That will be a piece of cake...mmm...cake

- Mrs. Peters

Curly Girl Confessions said...

Ah- Marriage retreats...I hope you have fun! :)

Jenn @ Bliss to Bean said...

Oh dear, I have no tips as camping to me is staying at the Bellagio hahaha. Just found your fun blog!! Hope you survive camping! :D

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